Mustard seeds are the small seeds of the various mustard plants. Mustard seed is about 2 mm in diameter, and may be colored from yellowish white to black. Mustard seeds are important spices in many regional cuisines. It is often referred to as "eye of newt."
1.Mustard seed extract is a good antioxidant.
2.Mustard seeds are rich in Selenium and Magnesium. Selenium help reduce the severity of asthma, decrease some of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, and help prevent cancer.
3.Eating soaked mustard seeds on regular basis reduces risk of cancers of the gastrointestinal tract and that of colorectal.
4.Mustard stimulates the appetite by increasing salivation by up to eight times.
5.Mustard seed extract also has laxative,digestive and circulative stimulant properties. Since ancient times, mustard is used as purgative.
6.Mustard seed extract is used to produce vomiting in the case of accidental poisoning. Mustard oil has anti-septic and antifungal properties.