Cornus (Cornus officinalis) has been used in China for more than 2,000 years as medicine. In the Chinese system of health, yin aspects must be kept in balance with yang aspects. Ill health occurs when the energies and elements of the body are out of balance or in disharmony. Health is restored by taking herbs and treatments that restore this balance.
Cornus berries have a long history of use in a variety of medicinal tonics, including those used to treat excessive urination, incontinence, excessive sweating, excessive menstrual bleeding, decreased erectile function and premature ejaculation. Cornus is also an ingredient in formulas that treat ringing of the ears (tinnitus), poor hearing, blurred vision, dizziness, shock and trauma, and a wide range of other conditions.
1.Improve the cardiovascular system
Cornus officinalis extract powder can improve heart function, increased myocardial contractility and cardiac output, and improve the efficiency of the heart work.
2. Impact on the immune system
Cornus officinalis extract powder different components of the immune system, the decoction reduces the phagocytic function of the reticuloendothelial system, due to inhibition of SRBC or DNCB (2,4 - Dinitro chlorobenzene) delayed-type hypersensitivity, inhibition of T lymphocyte activation.
3.Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial
Cornus officinalis extract powder can reduce inflammatory exudation and tissue edema and granulation tissue formation, cornus extract has strong inhibition on Staphylococcus epidermidis, Enterococcus Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella.
4.Anti-stress, anti-oxidation, lipid-lowering
Cornus officinalis extract power can enhance the body's resistance to stress, improve hypoxia tolerance, resistance to fatigue, and enhance memory. Cornus extract also can reduce serum triglycerides, cholesterol content, anti-atherosclerosis.
1.Pharmaceutical stuff;
2..Functional food and food additive;
3.Cosmetics additive;